Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So, I'm a big believer in rewarding milestones. In 2000, I got published for the first time and was paid $20 for that. To celebrate, I bought my brother a copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Since then, I've celebrated that sort of thing with various methods.

When I hit 40,000 words, I went to my favorite Mexican restaurant. When I finish my manuscript, I will be taking my sister-in-law to PF Chang's for dinner because that's what we did when she finished hers. When I get an agent, I'm going to treat myself to a night in a hotel.

When I find a publisher for my book, I've decided to reward myself significantly. If you go to http://www.tiffany.com/Shopping/Item.aspx?fromGrid=1&sku=GRP03290&mcat=148204&cid=287465&search_params=s+5-p+1-c+287465-r+101323338-x+-n+6-ri+-ni+0-t+, you will see a gorgeous necklace. I've lusted after it for a while and figure that, even though it's $275, I can save up a little at a time through the process of getting a contract.

So, that's my random contribution for the week. Sorry I've been ignoring this, but the new Doctor Who season started and I started a blog just to deal with my thoughts on it. It can be found, if you're interested, at thedoctorforever.blogspot.com.

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