Friday, June 4, 2010

What I did on my writing vacation

What happens when you take two intrepid/crazy/adventurous friends and unleash them and their to-do list on Philadelphia for a weekend?

Let's see... (Warning, you may have to tilt your head on a couple of these pictures)

We left in high spirits...

Some of us were more high than others...

But the other was not to be outdone.

We had a lot of ground to cover...

So, most of the time, we ate...

And ate...

And ate...

We didn't eat here, but who has a fancy McDonald's? Apparently, the Germantown district!

And these guys are EVERYWHERE--Provo, Philadelphia...

We also found a few amazing things out. For example, did you know that...

Or that Betsy Ross is Asian?

I loved the architecture. You never knew what you were going to get.

We saw the old meet the new on more than one occasion.

But we always took time to smell the roses.

We saw Leticia's and Ella's houses.

Paid a visit to school and parish...

And we visited another place of worship...

We visited some places known to many...

And found a few treasures with fewer tourists, such as a mezuzzah on the oldest continuously-inhabited street in America...

or a church with a fallout shelter.

Mostly, we found places where I could vent my frustration at writer's block.

So, we had fun and came home to friends and family.

Any questions?

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